In this video, we will cover Healthy Birth Practice #4: Avoid interventions that are not medically necessary.

Interventions are medical tools that your OBGYN or midwife can use to assist with the physiological process of birth. Unfortunately, some interventions are overused or misused, it is extremely important that you are aware of all your options and choices in labor, and that you are making informed medical decisions during your birth.

Some frequently used medical interventions are receiving IV fluids, continuous fetal monitoring, speeding up labor with pitocin, epidurals, breaking your bag of waters, and episiotomy. All interventions have risks, and it is important that your care provider informs you of all the risks/benefits associated with each tool, and that medical interventions are only used appropriately. 

Make sure you have a care provider whom you trust; who listens to you in your appointments and who takes your concerns seriously.