The 3 R’S of Childbirth

Have you heard of the 3 R’s of Childbirth?

Penny Simkin, who was one of the founding members of DONA international and one of the pioneers for doula work, came up with the 3 R’s of Childbirth to help mothers work through contractions without pain medication. 


By finding a consistent Rhythm in breathing techniques and movement patterns, mothers enhance their ability to cope with contractions. Find the movement in the position you are in! Movement is key for labor, it helps labor to progress and helps with pain management.


It is just as important that you not only work hard through contractions, but that you also rest deeply in between contractions. Remember labor is a dance of hard and rest, hard work and rest. You need to deeply rest in between contractions. It’s also important that you do not tense your body when the contractions come! I know this is a BIG ask, but it is possible. 


As labor progresses and the intensity of contractions increase, remember to lean into what is working for you! This is your unique birthing ritual. Repeat what works till it doesn’t work any more and move onto the next thing.  

At Philomena Birth, we prioritize deep listening and personalized support because every family’s needs are unique. As doulas, we are committed to understanding and advocating for your specific birth plan. Contact us today to discover how our services can ensure your childbirth experience is positive and fulfilling. 


The 3 B’S of Childbirth


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