Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

Happy International Yoga Day!

One of the beautiful things about yoga is that it can be accessible to anyone who is willing to show up to practice - and yes, that includes Moms-to-be!

While it is always advisable to check with your care team before starting any kind of exercise program, many expecting mamas will be able to safely participate in a prenatal yoga class.

Why is prenatal yoga a great choice for any stage of your pregnancy?

  1. Yoga helps you focus on breathing: Breathing plays a HUGE role in the labor and delivery process, both helping you remain calm and focused, and to physically move your baby out into the world. This is something we cover quite a bit in our Natural Pain Management classes!

  2. Yoga prepares you physically to birth your baby: Prenatal yoga class is a great opportunity to test out different positions that might work for coping with contractions, or even for pushing out your baby! Once you have an idea of what feels good, you can incorporate these poses into your yoga practice so that you feel strong and confident whenever your baby decides to make their big arrival.

  3. Yoga is available to you at any stage of your pregnancy: An experienced yoga teacher will offer you modifications that will keep your practice safe throughout all three trimesters. And when you are at the very end of your practice and don’t feel like doing anything other than laying on the couch, remember - Savasana still counts as practicing!

Getting onto your mat is a great way to celebrate International Yoga Day and stay healthy and happy throughout your pregnancy!


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Stages and Phases of Labor